Monday, August 24, 2009

3rd Grade...


Isn't she so cute!!! I can't believe how big she is getting. 3rd Grade already it makes me sad that she is growing up.

This is the beautiful rainbow that was over my house. It was actually a double rainbow but the second rainbow is really hard to see in the picture.

Monday, August 17, 2009


This past week me and my family got the chance to go out to Fort Sill Oklahoma to visit Dustin who on Friday graduated from Boot Camp. It was so awesome to see all the good work he is doing, we are all so proud. He received a special award at graduation for being the best marksman out of all 240 graduates. He really seems at home there I really think he is enjoying himself even if he is at boot camp. We love him and miss him and can't wait to see him in 6 weeks when he gets to come home.