Monday, December 21, 2009


So Last week was a crazy one for us Lloyd's... We had so much fun going to the Christmas programs and helping out with all the Christmas parties that this week is just sleepin in and laying around in our jammies week!!! Ryleigh was the star of the show at her dance program and at her preschool program( well according to me anyways.) She was the cutest little snowflake when she danced across the floor and I dont think you could find a better Rudolph. Aiden really wanted to pose for the camera when Santa came to see all the kids. Boston on the other hand hasn't figured out that if you are nice to Santa it pays off.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Making Gingerbread houses...

Here are the girls making their gingerbread houses. What a fun way to get ready for Christmas. It was alot of work to do and very messy but it was really fun. Aiden however was too busy playing the WII to come help us.